Essays From Robert Boomsliter

Religious Freedom

There is significant legislation being proposed dealing with the restoration or protection of religious freedom/liberty. It appears to be driven by Christian conservatives who feel that they are being persecuted for their faith or are being deprived the freedom to follow their conscience in deeply held beliefs.

This puzzled me initially since I saw no evidence that Christian freedom was being compromised. I have never heard of anyone being denied a service or fired from a job because they were Christian. I know many Christians and have never encountered anyone reluctant to declare openly their faith, or practice it in broad daylight without a hint of fear for their safety or well-being. We have elected 43 consecutive presidents, every one of them openly Christian.

Clearly it is not freedom they are losing, but I think I have come to understand what really is at stake. Slavery, civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, abortion rights, and the right to choose death instead of suffering are all part of the fabric of recent history and changes in perceptions in these matters are clearly trending towards social justice and equality. But I fear this trend is perceived by the faithful as an attack on their beliefs. What they are losing is not freedom, but privilege.

If I have a right which, when exercised, deprives someone else of a right, then I am simply mistaken about having that right. What I have is a privilege.

In a pluralistic society such as ours, the elevation of a particular group from a state of persecution to a state of equality is inevitable. The dominant group sees this as a decline in their prior superior position, and will fight back. This is their right, but do not be deceived by the language they use and think about their ultimate goal.

That goal is not freedom or equality. The fundamentalist Christian goal, as they themselves assert, is to establish a theocracy in this nation. They wish to control public policy and intend to make dissent a punishable crime. The goal is tyranny.

To achieve this goal a persistent, relentless war is being waged. The tax-exempt wealth of the churches and the labor of endless volunteers, strengthen child indoctrination, disseminate propaganda, discredit education, and corrupt legislation.

Notable successes in this regard include the following:

  1. “under God” in the pledge.
  2. “In God we Trust” on our money.
  3. Promoting the lie “This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.”
  4. Placing warning labels on technical textbooks.
  5. The stealthy introduction of the “Good News Club” into public schools.

Attempting legislation to “restore” religious freedom (privilege) is a current example of this effort.

It is a mistake to dismiss these considerations as harmless and to believe the American people will never submit to an oppressive overthrow of the Constitution. The fundamentalists will never give up and if they are not actively opposed they can win and the horror will come to pass. Look around the world and you will see the results in nations that neglected to fight for their legitimate freedom.

2 Responses

  • Robert Boomsliter
    Sep 22, 2017

    It was great meeting you as well. Hope you enjoy the book.


    Robert Boomsliter Sep 22, 2017
  • Aug 25, 2017

    Hi Bob,
    Great meeting you in the lobby of the Marriott. I have ordered your book and I’m enjoying reading your blog.
    Winston Johnson

    Winston Johnson Aug 25, 2017

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