Welcome to Doomed Soul, my first attempt to explore the blogging world.

My name is Robert Boomsliter and I recently wrote a book. It’s a very small book, about 60 pages, but I tried very hard not to put in too many unnecessary words. From reviewer comments I gather that it is not boring and very few found it unworthy or dishonest.

I am learning how to create this website primarily to promote the book. It can be found here.

It is, essentially, a criticism of religious faith. I have found some satisfaction in exploring some conventional (read popular) wisdom and pointing out features which are not necessarily wise. I invite the visitor of this site to read this virgin effort at authorship and, if so inclined, do me the honor of expressing their thoughts on it.

I intend to post related observations on this site from time to time. I cannot claim to do this frequently since I am at an advanced age and lack the requisite stamina, enthusiasm, and passion. But I will do my best to be concise and non-trivial.

I claim authority and expertise on one subject only. My opinion.

    • December 19, 2018

    Helen is 31 years old. She is addicted to a drug which she calls Old Faithful. The drug is illegal for recreational use and is therefore costly. Fortunately, for Helen, she is wealthy enough to easily afford it and avoid any significant legal risk. She uses Old Faithful at least once a day and never

  • Religious faith is probably the most prized and precious emotional/intellectual possession ever known. It has been broadly accepted as a virtue and is enthusiastically promoted, by the local culture, to children without reservation of any kind. The indoctrination techniques have enjoyed centuries of refinement, and have achieved a level of remarkable effectiveness. Paradoxically, religious faith

  • There is significant legislation being proposed dealing with the restoration or protection of religious freedom/liberty. It appears to be driven by Christian conservatives who feel that they are being persecuted for their faith or are being deprived the freedom to follow their conscience in deeply held beliefs. This puzzled me initially since I saw no

    • April 24, 2017

    “I just can’t believe or accept the idea that something as vibrant and complex as life just occurred by chance.” I have often heard this response when someone is asked as to why they believe in a creator with intention. You CAN believe and accept the idea that something as vibrant and complex as life


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